SusEd Stories
We hope you are doing as well as can be expected in these most challenging and tumultuous of times. Wherever we are in the world (I write from a street-deserted Florence) the impact of Covid-19 is eerie, scary and renders our immediate futures uncertain. If you are in a school, you’re actually probably not. Most likely you have moved your teaching and learning and/or your business, online. How we are managing this and equally, how student, parent, teacher and our own wellbeing fits into the equation seems to us, to be an essential consideration of how we are living with this crisis. And one worth sharing.
To which end, we would like to invite you to contribute to Sustainability Education Stories. At a time like this, never has the capacity to come together, as one, been more important. Not just to preserve our wellbeing, but to nurture and generate ideas of a better, more peaceful and more sustainable world. There is an imperative, now, to be authentic in an age of untruth. So please, tell your story. And keep telling your story.
Can we encourage you to consider the following:
· Your personal and professional reflections on the current Covid-19 crisis from your vantage point; the impact on you, your life, your concerns, anxieties, hopes. In any medium – and a range of media as you see fit; including, 600 – 800-word narratives, semi-structured conversations/interviews (oral/video) photo stories, poetry, drawings.
· The implications of the current crisis that implicitly, or explicitly, reflect one or more of SusEd’s three areas of focus – Sustainability thinking, Peace (and conflict), Mindfulness (& wellbeing) 600 – 800-word Op-Ed style, Podcasts, any medium. What does the future hold?
We are grateful for the opportunity to bring together people from around the world, to contribute to this individual and shared narrative. We have a unique opportunity to shape what happens next. And we can only do it together.
Please send your contributions to us at