International Education & Sustainability Leadership Summit at International School of Luxembourg (ISL)
Date: 18-20 April 2024
Location: International School of Luxembourg (ISL)
Open to: Schools/Universities across Europe
Number of delegates: 140
In collaboration with:
International School of Luxembourg
University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
A spirit of hope, agency and aspiration perfused the 9th International Education and Sustainability Leadership Summit, co-led by Sustainability Education and the International School of Luxembourg in collaboration with the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership.
Embracing the summit theme of regenerative leadership, 140 delegates engaged in collaborative action and worked together towards sustainable impact. It brought together students, teachers and leaders from national and international systems of education, with policymakers, leaders in business and industry and climate experts. Together, they confronted the connected systems failures that have brought us to a climate emergency – the “polycrisis” – and embraced the challenge and imperative of education and leadership to shape a pathway to a better, more peaceful and more sustainable future.
“An exhilarating three-day journey that not only honed my sustainability education skills but also empowered me beyond measure”.
What next?
The summit experience nurtured networks of agency and connected action. We will reconvene in six months from now, online, to see how far we have come on our journeys together. Education and Sustainability Leadership Summits are planned for the Autumn and next Spring in Europe as well as in North America in November.
If you would like to be a part of this exciting and arguably necessary adventure, please email
What will your verse be?